Halloween was fun, stressful but fun. my peacock feathers arrived on Friday Oct. 30... holy crap cut it a little close right? used all day Friday at work to make my tail, and went to stephs to glue in all my feathers. it turned out really cute and i promise to post a picture soon. (i still have like 50 feathers left over so if anyone wants any i'll give ya a good deal!) We went down to salt lake for halloween night and it was so fun, and really laid back which was just what i needed!
i finished my rat lab last week and boy was that an adventure. 3 weeks of getting up to campus by 7 and in the 'barn' by 7:30! yuck but it wasnt too bad my lab partner was fun and we had a pretty smart pretty large white rat. and i mean rat... so gross thankfully i only had to pick him up once, and never again will that happen! its sad really that it ended cause that means poor dexter (the rat) got axed... RIP little guy!
November has already had a stressful start and look its December in less than 3 weeks! ahh. i am freaking out. i am doing okay in my classes but i do this every semester, swear i will be different and i always start out great but end up not sleeping the last few weeks of the semester trying to catch up. if there is a medication out there that cures procrastination i need it.. but hopefully i will be able to get it all taken care of and sleep really good over christmas break! my new classes have worked out really great except my 7:30 class... that might just kill me... but if i can do it for 3 weeks every day (rat lab) i can do it twice a week right? heres hoping! pictures and more details to come!
2 years ago
try going to bed earlier then 7 a.m. won't feel so early :) What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving? You should come down our way....warmer weather, great shopping...who could pass it up...am I right or what?
we are going up to star valley for thanksgiving this year. i wish we could come down there! it would be better without snow but it'll still be fun. do you have all your big shopping planned???
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