Tuesday, March 30, 2010

avoiding something?

maybe yes i am avoiding something, a lot of things actually... School work, specifically my paper that is due in oh 4 hours roughly... but i tend to avoid bigger issues too, something i am working on, well lets get real i have stated it out loud and acknowledging you have a problem is the first step to recovery right??

although i am avoiding my school work doesn't mean i don't know that the next month and a half are going to be incredibly busy, which means i need something to focus on... a finish line to look forward to other than not having to wake up at 8am! so i need help thinking of some ideas. i definetly want to do something creative, i feel like i am just academic all the time. I want to see things with an artistic eye, i would express my creativity in clothing more, and would honestly love it if i could but my funds are limited, so i am going to have to find another avenue. so these are some projects i would like to have completed this summer... although other suggestions would be helpful.

do a canvas painting, maybe something incorporating vinyl
work with clay again, I DID enjoy ceramics
find something to do with the MILLIONS of peacock feathers i have *Suggestions needed
and others that i haven't thought of.

also i want to start a book club? i love talking about literature with others and i want to be able to connect with people over shared ideas have heating conversations over non shared ideas!! not that i don't love talking about the twilight books, i just want some depth to my reading.... all those romance novels have done me in!!


David, Hilrary, and Roman said...

I'm totally in for the book club! That sounds so fun to me. I love to talk about the books I have read with others that have read the same book. So just let me know where and when and I will be there!

Candace said...

A book club does sound fun... and you sound just like me haha procrastinating everything always looking for something new.
Love you Jordan!