Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ode to Karen Walker

The one person I want to be like when I grow up would have to be Karen Walker, Megan Mullally's crude, drunk, and fabulous character from Will & Grace. Not only did she have wonderful style and a killer voice, she wormed her way into my heart with her witty yet slightly off remarks. She could 'poodle' or 'kitten' her way into any working girls heart. This married made millionaire was Grace's (aka Debra Messing) assistant and bff to Jack McFarland (aka Sean Hayes.) Karen Walker had more one liners than I've heard puns on CSI, some of my favorites...

"I'm fabulous... I'm an incredible dresser, I've got buckets of money, I'm a hoot and a half, and I got a killer rack!"

"My mother was crazy, that’s why I had her committed. Well, she wasn’t so much crazy as she bugged me..."

"I love errands. They’re like mini adventures for the undesirables"

"Look at me. When I first started working for "Grace Adler Designs", I was worried about so much. Would she like me? Would I be good at my job? And now look, I'm one of the richest women in the world! Sure, the two things are unrelated, but if you say it with the accents on the right words, it sounds inspiring!"

Megan Mullally is also an icon she has been in everything from Seinfield to Boston Legal, and The Bee Movie, she was also the voice of Pebbles on the Flintstones. She also had a daytime talk show that had a short run on NBC, there on of the best breast cancer awareness songs was created... This wonderful song can be heard on YouTube at the following link you know your all dying to hear it. If I could be any one person for a day it would be Karen Walker, powerful, rich, and funny as hell. Catch a Will & Grace rerun or rent the season you won't be disappointed. I grauntee you'll be quoting the sassy vixen by the time the episode is over.

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