Wednesday, August 19, 2009

DREAMIN BIG, but just getting by

i am a vivid dreamer its a problem that i have. i often cant tell the difference between my dreams and reality, usually this occurs when i am really stressed about school or work and so i dream that i am at said places. (this causes problems with my emotional health just in case you were wondering...) i often wake up confused, distraught and sometimes very angry at certain people.

i had a dream yesterday night that was really bad my tia kissing my man... haha and i really woke up and kinda wanted to say HEY!! HE IS MINE. if i didnt know for a fact that she does not like my man i would have probably. (at 4 in the morning no less)

i dont know if its just me that has trouble distinguishing reality and the dream world or if other people have this problem too. but i literally have to sometimes use calming phrases to calm myself down. these dreams do also center around a certain time of the month when my emotions are heightened, but still this sucks.

school is starting soon and i am getting really excited i bought new notebooks and everything!!! i even have coordinating highlighters for classes that coordinate with the same colored notebooks and have color coordinated sticky notes too... call me a nerd if you must but this semester i am going to get straight A's!!

also baby roman was blessed this past sunday!! he's getting so big already and i just love to hold him! i cant believe how good hily looks too! guess i'll have to hit the gym more to keep up!check out Robert and Cheri's blog to see the pics so cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jordan! It's Melissa (Daines) Lewis. I found your blog through Lacy's. And you know, I have very vivid dreams as well, but instead of waking up distraught, I do things in my sleep...moving lamps, trying to reach the ceiling fan, trying to find my baby whom I think is being smothered in our sheets, etc. So, you are not alone with the vivid dreams. Oh, and if you want to see our blog, email me at and I'll invite you to see. We have some really cute pictures of our little baby :) I hope you're doing well!