Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Off to Never Never Land

Where's Peter Pan when you need him? Today I start my new job, being a nanny...as easy as it may sound to many people it's been a bit more of a struggle for me than I expected. Although the girls are super cute, Nicki is 2 and Kelly is 5, being in a new place with people I don't really know well has been tough. The time change from Hawaii to Utah to New York has made my tummy cranky, it wants to eat at very inappropriate times. Although I am really glad that I made my decision to come here for the summer, three months is looking like a lot longer than I had originally planned. I know it will fly by but I still expect to see my parents and sisters every night, and having to talk to them on the phone just doesn't cut it. I miss my family and my bed, my pillows and my bed...yeah I LOVED my bed. But a new experience is here and I am hanging on for the ride.


The Hoths said...

hey Jordan, Linzi (sorry if I spelled that wrong) gave me your address. I love the family picture. Just wanted you to know how much your mom is missing you. I think she teared up about 5 times talking to me. She loves you so much! You're lucky to have such a GREAT mom! Good luck with the new job. I'm sure the kids are in love with you already! (my blog is private but if you want to see it email me your address so I can send you an invite, rhhoth@hotmail.com)

Jeff, Di and Ty said...

Hey Jordan! I hope you don't mind, but I found your blog on Rhonda's and took a peek. WOW! NY! Sounds so fun. I know lots of girls who love doing that? Have you met any other nanny's there? Good luck to you. Can I tag you on my blog?

Diana (Loosle) Irving